Monday, August 9, 2010

yosemite - the mother load

now that i've done all of the neatly grouped photos together in separate posts, you are going to get all of the leftovers of us by the water or wherever else we were. this is what yosemite is really about:my favorites. my mom was more tasteful about it, more discerning. but it's my blog and i'll put ridiculous amounts of pictures on it if i want to. we had audrey's camera all week, so there are some great ones. 

and so, without further ado...

diane spent most of the time down at water in her pack-n-play, either sleeping or happily playing. she was seriously so easy going this week. we were very spoiled. 

my cousin, david, and i used to do this when we were little on this very rock. madeleine and austin did it all on their own with no suggestion from us. it's fun to see that some experiences are universal. 

did you make it to the end? we are off a week at mccall, idaho with randy's family, so expect more pictures to come. but not as many. because i only have my camera.


Diane said...

I just cannot get enough of all these pictures!

Lucy said...

Great pictures! And I love your header! I miss you guys already. Have a great time in McCall!

Nicole S said...

Cool cool pictures. I've never been to Yosemite either, but this sure entices me.