Saturday, August 21, 2010

berry blunders

last year, i went to phelps farm and did some berry picking at the beginning of september. we had a great time and i slowly rationed out my freezer jam from it so that i just finished it in time to go pick and make some more.
phelps farm
last wednesday, beth, megan, robynn, and i headed back to the farm. we were a couple weeks earlier than last year because megan is going back to work, but we didn't think it would make that big of a difference. wrong.

there were hardly any raspberries to be found and the blackberries weren't too ripe themselves. we kept comparing it to last year and found this year to be wanting. last year, the berries were huge and ripe and easy to find and this year, they were scarce, tart, and we were battling flies and wasps for the ones that were ripe. not so fun.

sporting the latest in picking fashion
last year, i didn't wear the milk jugs on my belt because i was pregnant and couldn't wear one, but this year, i went for it. a much easier way to pick, albeit an unfortunate look.

randy kept diane so that i wouldn't have to worry about her while picking, but we decided that madeleine would enjoy picking and i brought her along. it wouldn't have been so bad if the berries were easier to find because she could have helped and eaten her own. instead, she followed me around, reaching into my milk jugs and eating the few berries i had picked (think blueberries for sal) and quickly tired of the outing altogether. about ten minutes into it, i turned around and she had stripped her shirt off, which she tends to do when she is frustrated.

hot and tired
finally, after a measly amount of raspberries and far less blackberries than i wanted, i gave in and went and sat in the car with madeleine until beth finished up.
madeleine, last year
look familiar?

but she's still cute
i came home and figured out just what exactly i could get out of my berries and ended up making jam and a blackberry pie.

we also had some vanilla ice cream with raspberries and chocolate syrup for dessert. i think i will be heading back in a couple weeks to try and get some more. i still want to make freezer jam, a cobbler, and freeze some for smoothies and to put in yogurt. we'll see.

1 comment:

megan... said...

you are a good model for the milk jugs this year!!!