Saturday, April 30, 2011

across five years and a day

attempts at capturing our fifth wedding anniversary on camera with the self timer. after randy humoring me for quite some time and still not getting it right, i gave up. 
yesterday was our fifth wedding anniversary.  best described with the cliche that in some ways, it feels like much longer, and in some ways it feels like it was just yesterday. i guess many things become cliche because they are true or universally understood.

in general, randy and i don't do much for anniversaries. we usually go out to dinner. perhaps we decided to do a little more this year because it was our fifth anniversary, but i don't generally identify particular meaning with randomly assigned odd-numbered intervals. i think that number five just happened to coincide with us being a little burnt out at the end of a long semester and having two kids at the stage that they are at.

yesterday, we sent our girls up to my parents house for the night (thank you mom and dad) and then headed up to a family cabin in heber. it is the first time that randy and i have both been away from the kids for a night.

it was glorious.

we splurged and treated ourselves to an amazing meal at the stein eriksen lodge. randy says it is the best meal he as ever had and it rivals my favorites. as we risked our lives driving down the snowy roads heading away from the lodge, i noted that at least if we died, we would have had a really good final meal.

i had the first good, uninterrupted night's sleep that i've had in a long time. and even though i still woke up naturally at 7:30 in the morning when i could have slept in as long as i wanted, i felt rested (it is hard to sleep in much later than that when you are used to waking up around 5:00 most mornings).

after 24 hours all to ourselves, we headed back and picked up the girls. after excited greetings, they acted pretty nonchalant about our return. my mom must have taken good care of them.

it was a wonderful weekend with my favorite.


Tod Robbins said...

Randy, I love you haircut! Just sayin'. Oh and congrats you two!

Diane said...

1. The kids were a dream.
2. Odd numbered anniversaries are the best, and of course prime number odd numbered are even better.

Just wait until 7!

megan... said...

That sounds divine. Happy anniversary to you both. I'm especially happy that you got a full nights sleep :) (oh yea, and got to hang out with Randy- double bonus!)