Wednesday, April 20, 2011

first forays into feeding oneself yogurt

i have never loved sitting down and spoon feeding my children, but diane is clearly a second child in this respect. if she can't get it in her mouth with her own two hands, she most likely will not get to eat it. this morning, she wanted yogurt and i was running around doing something else, so i decided to let her try her hand with yogurt and a spoon.

this is the result. about a quarter of the yogurt ended up in her mouth, about a quarter ended up on her face, arms, bib, pajamas, the highchair, you name it. if it was in the general vicinity, it was smeared with yogurt. and the remaining half stayed in the cup after she was clearly finished and it became a fun, messy toy. at which point i quickly removed the yogurt from the high chair before it became even more of a mess.

the mildly obsessive compulsive woman in me has a hard time with this mess, which you would think would mean that i would actually be better about spoon feeding my children. mostly it just means that my babies eat neat finger foods. but i let loose today.

i think that my favorite part is the yogurt goatee.

diane is the queen of the self-satisfied grin. and she was pretty proud of herself after her first independent yogurt encounter. i can't guarantee it is going to happen again any time soon.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Send her my way. I'll either let her make a mess to her satisfaction, or I'll spoon feed her.