Friday, April 15, 2011

a trip to the park with my new camera

aside from both diane and me being sick (again) and just being lazy, i haven't really felt like posting much lately because i was fed up with our camera. not a good reason, i know, but it's true. i was sick of trying to take pictures of our kids and having them turn out blurry because our camera doesn't respond quick enough, the flash makes you look sickly, etc.

and since i can't have johnny depp staring at you forever, i decided to get a new camera. well, a used camera off of ksl. but new to us. and nicer than our old one. so we did it and i am thrilled.

i haven't had too much time to sit down and really play with it, but we did take it out for a spin yesterday. the weather was cooperating and my friend and i walked to the park.

i can't promise that having this new camera won't result in an even more ridiculous amount of pictures appearing on this blog. but at least they'll be better quality. and maybe i won't have to have as many because i won't be compensating for lower quality photos.

but probably not.


Jennifer said...

The pictures look great! I take so few pictures that it's really discouraging when almost all of them have issues. Possibly why I have no blog at all... Now I have a bad case of camera envy!! :)

Love seeing your girls. They have the best smiles!

Diane said...

Diane's hair is having a party. Why wasn't I invited?