Sunday, April 17, 2011

dying to color eggs

randy's parents came to town for a quick visit this weekend and one of the things that madeleine requested to do with her grammy was to dye easter eggs. she has been begging to do it since the easter paraphernalia made its debut at the grocery store and i kept telling her she had to wait until it was closer to easter. 

this was the perfect arrangement in my mind. randy's mom helps with the messy process and i sit back and take pictures. 

i should have thought ahead and did this while diane was sleeping. she wanted to touch everything so bad. 

randy finally got her her own cup and let her stir the dye around and even grab the egg out of the cup and put it in the carton. she was in heaven.

 rachel also joined us. in fact, beth provided the dye for us. so really, i suppose that we joined them. she kept saying, "cool," whenever she lifted the egg out of the cup.

the finish product.

1 comment:

Diane said...

What fun, and what great pictures!