Sunday, May 8, 2011

radio silence

my life is crazy right now.

probably not that crazy compared to other people's crazy, but crazy compared to my normal. i have a cold sore the likes of which haven't graced my face in quite some time.

we've been moving for the past week and it has caused more disruption than i anticipated. my children are emotionally traumatized and acting out as a result. i am trying to be as patient as i can because i know that it is because their lives are in upheaval, but sometimes i am less than successful. not my favorite week.

have i mentioned that i am a creature of habit and i like my routine? apparently i passed that on (genetically and behaviorally) to my children.

we are finally getting settled in though, and next week promises to be much better. i will be back soon with more posting: thoughts on motherhood, pictures of the new place, and as always, more pictures of the girls.

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