Tuesday, April 19, 2011

bike riding

bike rides are an almost daily occurrence at our  house these days. even with the rain this week, we have managed to squeeze a couple in between storms. over the past few weeks, madeleine has really started to get the hang of her strider bike that we got her for her birthday and she goes at a good enough pace that i can walk with diane in the stroller and maintain a decent pace myself. a month ago, i would have to walk a few steps, pause, then walk a few more steps. repeat for a walk that is long in duration and short in distance.

in general, madeleine begs to keep going longer and longer until i finally have to make her turn around and head home. during these rainy days though, the sight of a worm is enough to make her scream and between sobs, yell, "i want to go HOME!" i try not to laugh. dogs have a similar effect, but i don't really laugh with that one because i can sympathize.

bike riding makes her seem so old.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Obviously you don't remember your own bloodcurdling slug screams, or you would have more sympathy about the worms also.

There's Madeleine with all her favorite things: pink bike, blue polka-dot dress, and a large balloon. Life is good when you're three.