Saturday, May 15, 2010

a letter of apology

dear beth and bruce,

contrary to what it must have sounded like, the screaming you heard coming from downstairs this morning was not a result of me viciously beating both of my children at once. it was simply the result of an attempt by a two year old to remove her pajamas.

you see, madeleine didn't decide that she wanted to take a shower with me until after i had gotten into the shower. despite my attempts to get her to join me before i had stripped myself down and soaked myself from head to toe. this is a frequent occurrence. however, usually it just results in me leaning out of the shower, stripping off madeleine's pajamas and putting her in the shower with me.

but. being two and tired, she insisted on taking her pajamas off herself. and. being two, she somehow got her arm wedged up against her face through the neck hole. so began the screaming. which induced further screaming from diane, who was in her bouncy chair on the bathroom floor, awaiting her own turn with me in the shower. of course, when i tried to help madeleine, the volume of the scream increased as she threw herself on the ground and refused assistance.

i finally got out of the shower and, still dripping wet, removed the pajama top. against all logic, this is when you no doubt heard an even greater increase in the volume of screams coming from downstairs. i got back in the shower, hoping that she would calm down and finish taking off her pajamas.

not so. and so, i told her to go to bed, and she left the room, whereupon the screaming increased. and once again, i got to get out of the shower. still dripping wet, i discovered that she couldn't find her binkie. after leaving a trail of wet footprints throughout the downstairs, i finally located the binkie, at which point you no doubt heard the screaming instantly cease.

again, my apologies for the disturbance.




beth said...

well that explains things. we didn't hear it too loudly in our room, but i wondered what was going on. i'm sure it won't be the last time for either of us.

Diane said...

I love that girlie!