Sunday, July 20, 2008

a week with grammy

we had a great week last week. last sunday night, we went to put madeleine to bed around 9:00 and she really just would not go to bed. it wasn't even that she was being that fussy, she just wouldn't go to sleep. we finally just got her out of bed and she spent the next hour and a half just rolling around on the ground with us and being hilarious. she was in a great mood.

my mother-in-law took some pictures of randy and me playing with madeleine. she loves it when we really get down and play with her. she's started belly laughing every once in a while and it's pretty fun to hear her really laugh like that.

this is a picture of madeleine with both of her grandmothers, right before we had to say goodbye to jeanie. we had such a great week with her. she was so sweet to come down and take care of madeleine so that randy could practice really hard. madeleine had a blast with her grammy and we were all spoiled rotten, as usual. she's so good to us. have i mentioned how much i love my in-laws?

yesterday, we went over to my aunt and uncle's pool and cooled off from the intense heat with my sister, audrey, and her family. we had such a fun afternoon and madeleine did much better this time, although she didn't change her facial expression much from the serious face you'll see below. it may have helped that it was so hot, so the water probably didn't seem so cold. also, the top foot of the pool was about ten or fifteen degrees warmer than the rest of the pool, and that's about the deepest she ever got while floating around. here are some pictures from the day:

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