Saturday, July 5, 2008

pictures from the last couple weeks

here are some pictures from the last couple weeks:

madeleine has hit the stage where every time we check on her in her crib, she is in a different position. it's pretty funny to see the various positions she ends up in. this was one of the more normal ones.

madeleine's eyes light up when we eat our cereal out of these bowls. she reaches and tries to grab on to them any way she can. we finally just gave her one to play with one morning. we put it on as a lovely hat, but she wasn't so interested in that.

she was much happier to have it off her head and inspect it closely.

helping mom with the laundry.

getting ready to swim at the family fourth of july pool party.

all greased up with no place to go.

of course, as soon as i finally got her covered in sunscreen and went to put her in the pool, it was a little too cold for her and she hated it. there was much screaming. she was much happier in the hot tub, but even that didn't last too long and she went down for a nap for most of the remainder of the pool party. all that effort for nothing.

madeleine showed up wearing the same outfit as my cousin, ainsley. they were born a week apart and are the same size and everything. they looked like little twins from a distance.

randy having fun in the pool.


Ryan and Erin said...

OH my gosh! Sadie has two of the same outfits as Madeline! The purple one with the ruffle butt and the apple one with red polka dots! Aren't they adorable!

Eliza said...

What a cute girlie- I can't believe how much she looks like your family. Does she really or is it just me?

debby said...

most people say she looks like randy's family, and i would have to agree for the most part. i do see a few bits of linford in there though.

Jeanie's blog said...

I am seriously in love! You have a blondie! She is truly adorable.
Natalie Beal