Thursday, July 31, 2008


work has been pretty quiet, so i've had a lot of time to sit and think... a dangerous past time... i know. i've been thinking that a year ago, i was taking the bar, pregnant, and about to start my clerkship. what feels like minutes later, a year has passed, my clerkship is winding down, and i have a seven-month old baby.

i am overwhelmed by a feeling of anticipation in my life right now. not anxiety, but excited anticipation. there is the more immediate anticipation, like the end of my clerkship tomorrow, our trip to california with randy's family on saturday, and another trip up to boise mid-august. but i also have a lot of long term anticipation right now... like becoming a full-time-stay-at-home mom. okay, now that i think about it, that's pretty much it. but everything that comes with that, too. and that's a lot. i have loved my clerkship, but i am so ready to be home full-time. it's time. madeleine is starting to notice a lot more when i'm gone and i'm feeling it a lot more myself.

all of this is mostly just me rambling, but included with my ramblings is a warning: i may have some extra time on my hands in the near future and i may be armed with lots of pictures from our upcoming trips. on the other hand, i may disappear for a little while as i recover from seven months of being a working mom. only time can tell. but either way, be warned...

1 comment:

Sine family said...

I felt the same way when I quit and entered my short term retirement. It was a hard transition at first but in the end I love it and wouldn’t wish to go back to being a full time working mom. But maybe that’s just me. You’ll love it and find more than enough to fill your time.