Thursday, July 17, 2008


my mother-in-law (aka "saint jeanie") is in town to help watch madeleine so that randy can get some good practicing time in as he prepares for his recital in a month and a half. not only was she nice enough to watch madeleine all day yesterday, but she volunteered to watch her all evening as well so that randy and i could go to the temple together. the provo temple is closed for maintenance for most of this month, so we went to mount timpanogos, which made our time away even longer.

it was so nice to go to the temple. i always leave feeling like i've finally gotten to sit down and take a big breath and recharge a little before heading out to my busy life again. i feel like i haven't been in forever, and admittedly, it's been about a month, and even that was for a wedding, so it wasn't really the same as when i go to worship. i'm still getting used to the fact that we don't get to go every week anymore. i think it's funny that it gets harder to get away once you have children, but that is when you need the time to go and think and ponder and worship and feel the peace of the temple even more. isn't that how it is with most things in life?

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