Sunday, April 13, 2008

johnny jump-up

well, i didn't get the camera out much this week, so i pretty much only have pictures from one day of her in her johnny jump-up. i'll just post all of those. she is liking it much better now and lasts for about 20-30 minutes in it before she goes limp from trying to hold herself up and just can't do it any more. she's not really jumping in it yet, mostly she just shuffles around, but she enjoys it.

she is getting so big. she's in the in-between size right now for a few things. her 3 month clothes are getting too small, but she's swimming in her 6 month clothes. i finally couldn't stand squeezing her into her 3 month jeans anymore though (i felt like the button was going to pop off and hit me in the eye and her belly was spilling out over the waistband), so she's in her 6 month jeans and they're actually not too bad. she's also between sizes in her diapers. i had bought the size 2 diapers at costco and still had a bunch left, so i didn't want to switch to size 3 yet, but she finally had so many blowouts that i just couldn't take it anymore (i'm giving the extras to a woman in our ward who has twins that are about a month younger than madeleine, so they're going to good use). i finally bought 3s and put her in those, but she's still having blowouts because they're a little big on her. it's a frustrating phase and i feel like we go through 4 outfits a day.

here are the pictures of her in the johnny jump-up:

i took this picture to show her hair line in the back. she has a bald spot she's rubbed off, but it looks like i took scissors to it or something because the line is so straight. she's about ready for a haircut. you can't tell in this picture, but it's starting to look like a mullet. i need to just be strong and cut it, but it's harder than i thought it would be to cut my baby's hair.

when she got too tired, i pulled the johnny jump-up up so that she was suspended in the air. she liked this and just kind of swung there for a while.

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