Monday, April 7, 2008

double trouble

we had a great conference weekend with my family and madeleine had a great time with her cousins, austin and matthew.

these two boys are quite the handful right now and keep their parents quite busy. they have way too much fun together and are constantly entertaining us. a couple of illustrative stories:

a few times this weekend, i found matthew pushing austin around in the "boat," shown below. you would think it might be the other way around, but matthew is equal to the task. austin has already mastered the art of using his younger siblings to do his bidding. does he get this from his mother? perhaps i'm not a good one to ask... childhood memories can be inaccurate at times. i hope that he and matthew continue to have as good of a relationship as audrey and i have maintained over the years.

on friday night, audrey and joseph went to joseph's mission reunion and mom and i were watching the boys. we suddenly realized that it was very quiet... a little too quiet. those with children know of the feelings that accompany this alarming silence. i went downstairs to find matthew, wielding an uncapped blue highlighter, shirt off, with blue highlighter all over his belly. austin was standing by, rummaging through a drawer filled with other office supplies. at first, i thought that matthew had done it. this seemed a logical conclusion, as he was the one brandishing the marker. however, upon closer examination, it seemed to be a little too neatly contained to just his belly and not the furniture that he was sitting on (which, thankfully, remained unscathed) to be his own doing. no, this was the work of some skilled tattoo artist of age 2. i asked austin, "did you color on matthew's belly?" he quickly replied, "ness" (translation: yes). at least he's honest. since i hadn't read him his miranda rights, i figured that i couldn't admit his incriminating statements and didn't incarcerate him in his room for a time out. plus, i'm his aunt. that's just not my job. i'm here to indulge and spoil. here's a picture of the crime scene:

austin wanted a picture of his belly too.

too cute.

1 comment:

Diane said...

It turns out that a little more than tattooing a belly was going on. A couple of days later I noticed a small bald spot on Matthews head, and upon closer inspection it appeared to have been cut, not rubbed off. After further interrogation by Audrey, we have determined that it is likely that Austin also cut Matthew's hair at this same time. Not enough evidence to convict, but it is very suspicious...