Monday, March 10, 2008

ten weeks

here are some pictures with madeleine at ten weeks. not too much commentary this week other than that she's still adorable.

madeleine likes to sit up on the couch and look around.

like her fish mobile, she loves to sit and look at this parrot and giggles a lot while she does so.

here she is hanging out with her dad. she loves this. nobody makes her laugh like her daddy.

this is madeleine all dressed up for the byu men's volleyball team. she actually didn't end up going, but now she knows what it feels like to get dressed up as a byu fan. this is a sweatshirt that my mother-in-law made (it says "PECK" on the back) and that randy wore when he was little. go cougars!

1 comment:

audrey said...

That's my cute girly!