Thursday, May 24, 2012

sisters weekend 2012

every year for the past few years, my mom and sisters and i get together for a weekend and hang out together. only nursing babies are allowed and we get to relax and spend time with each other without chasing our children around.

it is fun every year, but i was especially excited for this year, since i've recently moved and already miss my sisters. we had our annual sisters weekend this last weekend at my mom's house.* jonathan and i flew down thursday night and left at the crack of dawn monday morning. he did great with flying, for which i was grateful.

we always exchange gifts at our sisters weekend. this year, i got trader joe's dish cloths for everyone, since i am now near a trader joe's. audrey got everyone gift wrap supplies, beth made us homemade dove liquid soap, and my mom got us three books (i've been drooling over that pride and prejudice children's counting book for some time now) and made us makeup bags.

the weekend was spent relaxing, eating good food, talking, and working on projects. i tackled the annual family photo album and barely squeaked it out in time. let's just say i had some sleep to catch up on once i got home.

randy was so good to me to take the girls for a long weekend all alone while i was gone. it was good to have a little break and i missed them terribly by the time i had to go home. it was perfect. nothing like some time away from your children to make you miss them.

can't wait for next year!

*utah peeps, don't be mad at me. this was a trip specifically for my sisters weekend and i think my mom and sisters would have killed me if i tried to squeeze in visits with all of my friends as well. next time i'm in utah i will be good about letting people know.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Wasn't it great? I can't wait until next year either.