Tuesday, July 5, 2011

sisters' weekend 2011

this last weekend was our annual sisters' weekend. it was a bit of a process to get everyone nailed down to dates that worked with all of our schedules, but we finally figured it out. as always, it was one of the highlights of the year. 

on friday evening, as soon as beth got off of work, my mom and audrey came down to provo and picked us up so that randy and bruce would have cars for the weekend. we headed to california pizza kitchen for dinner and then went to the movie, "17 miracles," which is about the mormon handcart pioneers. by the time we got out of the movie and back up to my mom's, it was getting late, so we quickly exchanged our gifts and then headed to bed.

beth got everyone cheese graters from ikea. it is one of the kitchen items i have really missed now that we are not living with each other and i am excited to have my own. audrey got everyone pink zote soap. it is supposed to be really great for stains and i am excited to try it out. my mom got us each the newberry and caldecott books from last year, as well as a silk scarf and small silk purse from china.

for my gift, i decided to make everyone camera straps, but wanted to let each person pick their own fabric, so i brought mine as a model and promised to make everyone their own as soon as they picked their fabric.

on saturday morning, we all got up early and headed to the draper temple together. audrey doesn't get to go to the temple too often because she is out in wendover and beth and i haven't been back to the draper temple since the open house, so it was nice to all be able to go together. 

after going to the temple, we headed out to get pedicures. i have to admit that mine wasn't the greatest experience. it was hard to relax after having my foot boiled at the outset. apparently the woman filling the tub forgot to put on any cold water. my foot felt better the next day though, and my toes are still pretty. 


 the rest of the weekend was spent relaxing, playing cards, watching jane austin movies, and working on our family photo albums, which we are quite behind on. we are still behind, but made significant progress this weekend.

it is the first sisters' weekend we have had with no children in attendance (right? i think that's right). beth is pregnant, but none of us have infants and we all got to leave the kids with their dads for the weekend to enjoy a true get-away. i always feel a little guilty leaving randy alone with the girls for so long, but not guilty enough not to enjoy the time to myself, the extra sleep, and the chance to spend time with my mom and sisters' without the distraction of child care. it's just what i needed.


Diane said...

It was so great!

elnaclark said...

Sounds like such a fun time. I hope your pedicure was free, though.