Thursday, October 14, 2010

taking one for the team

at church, i work with the eight year old girls in the activity days program. every two weeks, 4-6 eight year girls come over to my house. they come in like a hurricane and when they leave, i am always surprised at how much energy they had. it is fun and exhausting all at once.

by now, you should know how much i abhor halloween. okay, abhor is a strong word. despise? i am trying to work on that. for the children's sake. so, with halloween approaching and my big ball of eight year old energy rolling through today, i decided that i would take one for the team and do halloween crafts with them.

to make sure that the crafts were do-able for eight year olds (i have realized too late before that other crafts are not), i decided to try them out beforehand. here are my models (including the ghost above):

this ghost was my favorite. the easiest and least ghoulish.

this was supposed to be more embellished. i decided to just tell them to imagine it with ribbons, etc. around it.

this was by far the girls' favorite. all but one girl started with this one first. who knew tissue paper candy corn would be such a hit?

the faux stain glass pumpkin. probably my favorite, but mostly because i got to work with con-tact paper. what is it about that stuff? but i digress...

having learned from past experiences where i either have an activity that takes five minutes and then i have a bunch of bored eight year olds running around my house for fifty-five more minutes or their parents are coming to pick them up and we are half way through the activity, i picked these five easy ones and figured that they could get through as many as they wanted in an hour. sure enough, one of them didn't even finish her candy corn and one of them did all five.

who can predict the behavior of eight year olds?

1 comment:

Diane said...

Wow. You did well! File these ideas away for future reference when the rest of our Halloween challenged family needs Halloween craft ideas.