Saturday, January 2, 2010

children's book illustrators

travelin' oma assignment number eight

children's books have always been and continue to be a big part of my life. my grandparents gave us a book each birthday and christmas and consequently, i have a nice collection of my own children's books that madeleine is currently benefiting from. i have fond memories of sitting and reading these books and most of the memories relate heavily to the illustrations found in some of my favorite books.

two of my favorite illustrators that i remember from my childhood are audrey and don wood:


interestingly enough, the next two that i thought of are illustrators that i have been introduced to later in life. emily gravett did two books that my mom gave madeleine last year and i love her simple watercolors:

i also discovered charley harper recently, but love his art and bought madeleine his abc and 123 books last year. i love his geometric style and am always happy to read madeleine one of his books.


Travelin'Oma said...

These are great suggestions. I love the monkey and me illustration. Thanks!

Diane said...

I mourn the out of print classics, but because of those we have discovered some fun new illustrators.

Too bad we don't have an Adventures for Kids store around here!