Saturday, December 19, 2009

all my bags are packed, i'm ready to go...

travelin' oma assignment number three.

ten places that i would love to travel to someday (in no particular order):

1. paris
2. london
3. rome
4. switzerland
5. tahiti
6. new york city
7. hong kong (mostly, this one is for randy)
8. chicago
9. prague
10. grand canyon

most of the european cities should include the surrounding countryside as well. also, there are other places that i have been that i would like to go back to with more time and with randy, such as boston, hawaii, and washington d.c., but i figured that i wouldn't take a spot from places that i haven't been yet.

randy and i both want to travel a lot. we need to start figuring out how to do it now, regardless of the fact that we are low on cash and time. but for now, i can dream of the future. my ideal trip would be long enough that i get to do the things that i want to without having a jam-packed schedule, but not too long. because really, i am a home-body and don't like being away for that long. i do not like feeling rushed on vacation though and want down time without feeling like i am rushing from one activity to another. a delicate balance indeed.

randy and i both agree that our travel budget needs to include plenty of money for dining well (although we do realize that not all good food costs a lot of money). that is important to both of us and makes all the difference to me when i travel. no matter how many amazing sites i see, or how much i get to relax, if i eat poorly on a trip, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. dining well can make a mediocre trip much better. before planning any big trips, we will make sure to check for any anthony bourdain episodes featuring the destination and plan at least a couple of his eating experiences as part of our trip. good food is a must and will be a carefully planned part of our trips. no grabbing mcdonald's between museums for me.

we also want to include our children in (some of) our travels. my parents traveled with us, even when we were young and i learned many important life skills because of it. i am much more cultured because my parents took the time to talk to us while we traveled and teach us travel etiquette. i am grateful for the experiences that they have given me through travel. some of my favorite memories with my dad come from a trip that he and i took to portugal when i was 14 years old. randy and i have grand plans to plan trips with our children and let them be involved in saving for and planning the events of those vacations. i'll let you know how that goes...


Diane said...

If Randy's too busy, I'll go with you. Our trip to Hawaii, just the two of us is one of my best memories.

Did you read Travelin'Oma's post about when her whole family saved fro the trip to Europe? Keep that in mind while planning. I wish we'd done that more and taken more trips because of it.

Travelin'Oma said...

I love Anthony Bourdain. I'd love to have friends in every land to take me to cool restaurants and tell me what foods to try!

"You've got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?"

With such great dreams you'll get there some day!