Thursday, October 1, 2009

business as usual

our computer started having troubles about a week ago and randy diagnosed it as a problem with our hard-drive. we got a second opinion from our family computer doctor/guru, and sure enough, that seemed to be the problem. randy ordered a new harddrive and last night, randy and dan performed open hard-drive* surgery. our computer is good as new, and up and running with all of our old info on it. now, i wasn't involved in restoring it, but it seemed relatively easy and painless. thank goodness for apple's "time machine," program. i am completely sold on macs.

now that i have my computer back, i should be uploading pictures and posting again soon.

*is this the point when this post "jumped the shark?" too much? perhaps. perhaps it's just a reflection of 5 hours of sleep.

1 comment:

beth said...

hey i got 5 hours of sleep too!