Sunday, May 3, 2009

back to school

i've been a little slow to post on this because last week was a bit of madness with madeleine being sick and tutus (more to come on that...) consuming my time.

i am taking a class this term. yes, i realize that i have graduated (twice) and for most people, that would be enough, but for various (insurance) reasons, it makes sense for me to take a class this term. nothing big, just a one credit religion class.

i am an education junkie. i love school. when my professor emailed us last week with the reading assignment for the first day of class, i was giddy. i haven't taken a class in two years, and had forgotten the feeling of excitement that i get at the beginning of each semester.

on wednesday, i headed to campus and had a nervous adrenaline rush as i walked up the ramp on the south end of campus. i went into class and sat in the back and waited to see what the professor would be like. he was pretty laid back and i have to admit that this class is going to be a breeze compared to my law school experience. but, it will be fun, and i can already tell that i will learn new things, so i'm happy about that. plus, i don't need a difficult academic class on my plate as well right now. the class is supposed to be 2 hours every wednesday night, but he ended after an hour and fifteen minutes and said that that would be standard for the rest of the term.

should i admit that i was a little disappointed? nerd alert!


Diane said...

90-10. That 10 percent is all me! I am the nerd/education junkie who bred those traits into you. I guess when it comes to education it's 90-10 me.

I'm jealous.I miss the school stuff too.

David said...

I'll see you on campus!