Monday, November 5, 2012

more october pictures

we tried introducing jonathan to solids this month.

he wasn't really sure how he felt about the whole thing.

his stomach really doesn't like rice cereal and oatmeal isn't looking much better. this boy is a picky eater. or rather, i should say that his digestive tract is extremely picky. 

the kids got into the winter hats and were being pretty cute with each other.

proof that we did celebrate halloween.

and that i did use the same costumes as last year (new audience).

and that diane's eyes still don't handle the flash well.

even without the flash, diane is extremely hard to take pictures of right now. she generally refuses to take her thumb out of her mouth. she doesn't constantly suck her thumb, but it seems like as soon as the camera comes out, the thumb goes in.

even when i do get her thumb out, she usually refuses to look at the camera.

this boy is good at hamming it up for the camera. he is also crawling now. he has gotten extremely fast in the last week or so. 

a rare instance when all three of my children were napping at the same time. extremely rare. i took a few pictures and then ran to my own bed and took a nap.

the following pictures were taken by madeleine when i let her use the camera on my phone:

the weather has gotten cooler and it's been raining more, but it's still been a beautiful fall here. the leaves are vibrant and we've gone on a few walks to enjoy it. it may take us forty-five minutes to get out the door, and they only last about twenty minutes, but it's still worth it.

randy and i did applesauce yesterday. i'm so grateful that his mom made him help with canning growing up. he is pretty amazing on an apple peeler/corer/slicer. we did eighty pounds of apples and got thirty-nine quarts worth of applesauce.

a rare instance when all three kids were actually cooperating for a picture. of course the lighting is terrible, but it's still nice to capture it when i can. they'll be grown up before i know it, right? right? promise?

just kidding.

sort of.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Sidewalks in Seattle have their own distinctive look, don't they?

Madeleine must have gone to the Diane Linford school of photography. Send her a graduate course from someone more camera savvy :)

Yes, your kids will be grown up before you know it. And you'll be happy and sad at the same time.

Thanks for filling my heart bucket with these pictures.