Saturday, October 20, 2012

get ready...

for a picture dump with random pictures from the last few weeks. 

madeleine loves jonathan and can't get enough of him, especially when he's in the johnny jump-up. 

diane isn't as sure. she mostly loves him, but freaks out if he touches anything of hers (or any toys that she might want at some future date, for that matter). we're talking breaks down in tears if he touches her little blankie.

this girl still loves her little blankie and her thumb.

madeleine seems older and older every day to me. she has gotten a lot goofier lately too, especially when the camera comes out.

this boy. still so sweet, but he's had a rough month. i went back on dairy last month and even though he wasn't particularly fussy during the day, he has not been sleeping well at all. so, i'm back off of dairy. even after going off dairy though, he still wasn't sleeping well and actually got more fussy over the last couple weeks. i think that it has something to do with the brussel sprouts and broccoli i've be eating, but i'm not sure and rather than slowly try to eliminate what is bothering him, i've gone to a very bland diet and i'm trying to add things back in slowly. he is so much happier (my angel baby is back) and slept really well last night, so i'm hopeful. not a ton of fun for me, but i'd take a bland diet and a happy baby over being extremely sleep deprived with a sad little boy any day.

jonathan is really close to crawling. he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth all the time. and he kind of swims his way across the floor right now (very slowly). i'm sure he'll be crawling in no time. heaven help us.

more goofiness.

my shower gnome. i love this boy.

the early risers club. have i mentioned how sleep deprived i've been lately?

some of diane's drawings lately. i love her little people.

a family portrait.

this was our set up for general conference. i was sad to be away from my family for this, but the kids did amazing well and either napped or let us watch while they played on their own. it was a nice, peaceful weekend. a perfect spiritual recharge.

diane peck
october 2012

randy's birthday was a couple of weeks ago. the girls were extremely excited about it and madeleine kept talking about how everything had to be just perfect for daddy's birthday. so, we hung up some balloons, went to dinner, and had some lemon cake to celebrate. i don't know if randy thought it was perfect, but madeleine sure did.

face timing with randy's family while blowing out the candles.

last week i was walking down the stairs, while holding jonathan, and slipped and landed on my back. i also put my foot through the wall. the brick on the other side stopped it. fortunately, jonathan was okay and i was only a little bruised and sore, but nothing major. it certainly got my heart rate up. 

after enjoying some bread and jam.

if you made it to the end of this meandering post, you must have grandchildren or nieces named madeleine, diane, and jonathan. or you're a glutton for punishment.


Diane said...

Oh, how I miss all of you. My heart is lonely.

(PS - could the goofy faces possibly come from the fine example her Pa'a sets during FaceTime?)

Ryan and Erin said...

Or I am a friend that misses her friend terribly...