Sunday, September 2, 2012

johnny jump up, silly girls, and swings

the girls love it when jonathan is in the johnny jump up and i am constantly telling them to back up. but this time, madeleine just sat down with a stack of books and started "reading" them to jonathan. he loved it and just watched her for several books.

this was jonathan's first time in a swing. he's still too little to really do much, but he loved his brief stint in it.

flying a plane with dad.

this is a blurry picture, but it shows diane's latest trick. if i tell her she can't do something, she quickly throws her hands in front of her eyes and goes silent. i often wish i could do the same thing and pretend that my children can't see me. unfortunately, it doesn't really work.

i thought that jonathan was over his cold, but it seemed to rear its ugly head again during the second half of this week. he was really fussy (hard when he is usually SO happy) and spent a lot of time in his wrap. don't get me started on how bad his night time sleep was. last night was a little better, so hopefully we're on the up and up (again).

and this is a video that randy and i took, just because we think it's adorable when this one says "blueberries."

1 comment:

Diane said...

Jeopardy answer:
No, no there are not.

Jeopardy question:
What is are there any cuter children in the world?