Wednesday, September 5, 2012

blue blankie

jonathan was having a hard time falling asleep tonight, so i was rocking him to calm him down and he was just starting to get heavy when i heard madeleine crying in her room (i had already put them to bed). i could tell that it was her "i'm being dramatically emotional about something," cry, so i continued rocking jonathan for a minute to seal the deal, hoping that she wouldn't come into my room and undo what i had just done. fortunately, she only opened her door to make sure that i heard the crying (confirming my cry diagnosis) but didn't come out.

after putting jonathan down, i went in to check out what was going on. she was clutching her pink blanket and when i asked what was wrong, she held out the corner of her blanket and showed me a hole. now, you may think that i have been a little callous during this episode up to this point, but i will have you know that instead of saying, "i told you that if you keep chewing on your blanket, you would put a hole in it," i took her in my arms and carried her to the computer and found this picture:

my blue blankie. the blanket that i had growing up, slept with until i went to college, and finally got rid of last year (i'm just not that sentimental, okay?). but before i got rid of it, i did take a few pictures. and i'm really glad that i took this one. because tonight, i held madeleine in my arms and showed her the picture of my blanket and told her that i also used to chew on my blanket (it's hereditary) and i had holes in three of my four corners. i told her about how i used to stick my fingers through the corners and carry it around and how, even though there were holes, i still loved my blankie and it was still soft and i could still snuggle with it.

and that seemed to do the trick.


Diane said...

This is why they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I would say that's the most sentimental you've been--keeping it clear until last year. Glad you took pictures.

Lucy said...

What a sweet story. I must be a lot more sentimental that blanket is still tucked somewhere. I didn't bring my blanket on my mission, but when I got to my first area my trainer had hers, so I wrote my mom and told her to send mine asap. Funny memory. I wish I were less sentimental because I'd have far less stuff!