Sunday, August 12, 2012

the boise picture calm before the mccall storm

we just got back from a week and a half of wonderful vacation. i've seriously been looking forward to this with eager anticipation since since we moved. and it finally arrived. we did our annual peck family reunion in mccall, idaho last week, but before that (and don't worry, i'll get to that), we spent a few days in boise.

as if that weren't fun enough, my mother-in-law is amazing and invited my mom and sisters to come up and stay for a few days (seriously, who volunteers to host three extra adults and a baby right before a big family reunion?), since we were only five hours from salt lake, instead of thirteen and a half. so i got to spend the weekend with randy's family and my mom and sisters. it was just what this lonely lady needed.

we spent the weekend sitting around in my in-law's beautiful back yard, talking and watching the kids play in their grammy's yard, which is one of their very favorite things to do.

the saddest part of the weekend was that this little boy not only didn't recognize me and light up like he used to when he saw me, but he was actually scared of me and started crying. i don't like to think about it. 

my thumb sucker.


trying out the jonny jump up (just realized the appropriateness of the name) that audrey brought up to loan to us.

my girls loved having their aunts around. beth helped with art projects and audrey gave diane a haircut.

madeleine loved playing with andrew and had him laughing up a storm with this large stuffed bunny. 

explaining her artwork to g'ma.

my mom, my sisters, and me. 

diane wearing madeleine's swimsuit, which is too big for madeleine. i love what the girls get away with when randy is helping them get ready for swim time. 

not sure what is going on here, but in classic madeleine fashion, it's dramatic.

 such a treat.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Yes. The best treat ever.