Monday, August 13, 2012

mccall 2012

well, i warned you it was coming. here are only some of the many pictures that i took at mccall this year. we spent the week sitting on the beach and spending time with family. nothing better than that. i got in my annual waterski run and although i got up on the first try, i will admit that it ended abruptly (thankfully, i had skied for a while) when i tried to cut too hard and i ended up skidding across the water. we had a great time and can't wait for next year. what a fun tradition to marry into.


my girls loved the beach, as always. we got diane a tube this year and she loved being able to wade into the water by herself. they spent hours digging in the sand and swimming and were exhausted by the end of each day.

lainey, my cute niece. madeleine was in heaven with all of the little girls that were there this year. not only was her cousin lainey there, but a couple of randy's cousins have young daughters and randy has a cousin that is three, so there were plenty of playmates for my girls.

randy doing some beach reading. unfortunately, i made the mistake of bringing our mutual friend, by dickens, as my only book. turns out dickens isn't good beach reading. i think i read two pages the whole time we were there.

the girls loved having their aunt kim around. she is so good at spoiling them and playing with them. i love that i have a sister-in-law that knows how to work hard and play hard, too.

more cousin time with carsten and calli on the boat tube. 

i swear, i hardly held jonathan at all the whole week. he was either happy in his bouncy chair on the beach, or being passed around to various adults that showered him with attention. none so much as his grammy though.

randy on the tube with the girls and calli. my girls loved being pulled behind the boat. i have yet to see this in person because i was on the beach with jonathan (i refuse to put infants in life jackets unless absolutely necessary), but i'm grateful to whoever took pictures from the boat.

we spent wednesday up at ponderosa park, where the beach turns into dirt pretty quickly off the shore. no sooner had randy put sunscreen all over diane than diane rubbed dirt all over herself. queen of the ragamuffins, i tell you.

this was her running away from me as i tried to take a picture of her.

jonathan thought that randy putting sunscreen on him was about the funniest thing that had ever happened to him. he was giggling really hard and didn't stop until randy was done.


randy's brother's family, minus kim.

randy's dad, bob. 

proof that i did get in the water and play with my kids at some point.

my mother-in-law, jeanie, and all six grandkids.

napping on the beach.

calli was so helpful with the kids all week. i wish that she lived closer so i could have her as my babysitter.

randy's uncle, dan, holding jonathan.

on thursday morning, randy went with the big group and took the girls kayaking. i stayed home with jonathan and had a quiet morning to myself. like i said, no infant life jackets unless absolutely necessary.

bob and carsten

randy's uncle, aaron, and his fiance, katie.

kyle and lainey.

randy's aunt, rhonda, and his uncle, tim, and his daughter, eliza.

randy's grandparents, still active at 81.

some of the girls playing in the little yard behind the condos.

last year, kyle and kim let us tag along with them to go to ice cream alley one night in downtown mccall. the girls have been talking about it ever since, so it looks like it may have to be a mccall tradition. rough tradition when you can't have dairy, but so it goes. also, dropping the ice cream off your cone within 100 feet of ice cream alley appears to be a growing tradition (madeleine last year, diane this year). thanks to kim for sharing with diane.

my girls don't really have ice cream cones, ever, so they haven't mastered the art of eating it fast enough or rotating the cone as you do eat it. their hands were covered in ice cream by the end.

until next year!

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