Thursday, July 19, 2012

picture and video dump

it's been a while since i've posted pictures of the kids. so, you're going to get a bunch at once, starting with this picture of all three kids (three? when did i get three kids). this was a few weeks ago and already jonathan seems way bigger to me. 

this next batch is from one of our sunday outings. we went over to woodinville and walked along the slough/sammamish river trail for a while.



these ones are from the girls playing in the backyard in their pool and on the slip 'n' slide (both of which we got for free on craigslist). the weather was really hot (for washington) a couple weeks ago and has become more intermittent again, but the girls still like to go out there for brief stints, regardless of the weather.

madeleine on her new bike. we got her another used bike that is slightly smaller because the other one was just a little too big and heavy (she's on the heavy one in the video below). as soon as she got on this one, she really took off. i love how easily she switched from her strider to this bike without training wheels.

diane still doesn't really show any interest in the strider yet, so while madeleine rides her bike, diane tends to push the stroller around the neighborhood. with her helmet on.

jonathan likes being on his changing table and i tried to get some pictures of him being really cute, but he's hit that stage where as soon as you pull out the camera, he gets really interested in the camera and stops being as cute. but i still snuck a few good ones in.

an attempt to get a picture with him snuggling me, but it didn't really work.

nobody's hair parties like diane's hair.

here are a few videos of the kids:


Diane said...

What a treat! Thank you

jeanie said...

Can't wait to get real-life hands on those kids. Thanks for the fix.

jeanie said...
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