Friday, June 8, 2012

two months old

this sweet little boy turned two months old this week. which means that he is starting to be a lot more fun. he smiles and coos at us, which makes me melt. i think that it's his evolutionary way of getting me to hold him more. it's working.

he has also turned into a bit of a mama's boy. there's no hiding that he likes me best right now. could be something about a food source, but i'm going to pretend that that's not the only reason. he is such a fun addition to our little family. he has a great temperament and lets me get the sleep that i need. and i will love him forever for that. 

he had his two month appointment on wednesday. here are the stats:

24 inches long (86th percentile)
11 lbs. 11 oz. (50th percentile)
head circumference is 39 cm (22nd percentile)

i'm just glad to see him beefing up finally. he was such a scrawny little thing for so long.

this is a video of him being cute at 5:30 in the morning. he's not usually awake then, but he happened to be on this particular morning and he was being pretty cute and happy. it's really boring for most of it, but he perks up and smiles a couple times and i know there are some grandmas that want to see that. it's also pretty much silent because i was trying not to wake up randy.

and here's a video of his crazy sisters while we're at it. lately, diane has started saying "doh beh dee," a lot. it is a random word with no consistent meaning, as far as we can tell. mostly it's just adorable. she'll throw it in to sentences at random points, or just come up to us, put on a huge smile, and say, "doh beh dee!" then walk off.

we were going to have family night last monday and were trying to pick a song to sing together. we asked diane what song she wanted and she said, "doh beh dee," and started doing a cute little dance. this video is an attempt to get her to repeat it on video, but mostly it consists of madeleine hamming it up as soon as the camera came out. oh well.


Diane said...

I love the new header. And the videos. And the pictures. And all of you.
And happy birthday again.

beth said...

oh, he's so cute! i miss you guys. i love that diane now fits into the ruffle skirt.

Ryan and Erin said...

debby! what a cute family! Love the header pics. Miss you tons.