Monday, June 18, 2012

around these parts

we got a bigger bike for madeleine (i'm loving craigslist up here) and she's making the transition from strider bike to the big bike really well. no training wheels. she needs some more practice than just our cul-de-sak, but we haven't gotten out on a wide open path yet. the weather hasn't been cooperating.

randy has been really good with teaching her to ride. i tried a little and madeleine got frustrated with me.

doesn't get much cuter than this.


any time the girls hold jonathan, they insist that i take a picture of them.

having a picnic in the front yard. madeleine is camouflaged on the blanket. 

i can't get over how much i love this kid.

peonies from the front yard. it may rain a lot here, but the foliage is doing a pretty good job of selling me on it.

1 comment:

Diane said...

One thing great about riding around a cul-de-sac is learning to turn. The straights are easier. I can't believe how big Jonathan is! He's so darling.