Monday, June 11, 2012

the boy who harnessed the wind

i haven't talked about books that i've read on my blog in a long time, but i want to start doing it again because it's the only way i keep track of my reading at all.

i just read the boy who harnessed the wind by william kamkwamba. i knew that the book would be about an african boy who builds a windmill, but i didn't realize that it would delve into so much of his life previous to him becoming interested in wind energy. it makes sense now that i've read it because it paints a better picture of why he became interested and just how inspiring his efforts were. it was a fascinating read and a little heart-wrenching at times. i like books that put me in touch with cultures that i know little-to-nothing about and remind me of just how blessed i am to have the life that i live. it's a really inspiring story and an easy read.

1 comment:

Diane said...

I'll add it to my list. Sounds good.