Monday, January 2, 2012

cold and hot

we spent last week up at my mom's house. my sister's family was in town and we got to spend some time playing with them.

on wednesday, the zoo had a free day, so we loaded up the kids and headed out into the freezing cold. my brother-in-law is a superb biologist and educator, so i learned all sorts of new things. my nephews kept saying, "yeah, dad, i know that." and i kept telling them to be quiet because i didn't know it yet.

we lasted a couple hours before madeleine said she wanted to go home. i didn't blame her, i was pretty cold myself. this is why i don't have more pictures. i was way too cold to think about taking out my camera to snap pictures. luckily, my brother-in-law belongs in the arctic and took these. he and his children stayed for a couple hours after we left.

funny story: this morning, madeleine said, "where does santa live?" i said, "at the north pole, at the top of the earth, where it is very cold." she said, "at the zoo?" apparently she equates the zoo with cold.

my girls also got some time in the hot tub with randy this week and loved it. i forgot what little fish they are. 

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