Tuesday, January 17, 2012


fact one: madeleine was overtired yesterday and consequently, cried a lot throughout the day.
fact two: madeleine loves to give us a constant and very detailed commentary on her life. she is very honest in her depictions. for instance, i will pick her up from my sister's house and ask her what she did. she will say something like this: "we played with toys and i had three time outs because i was being mean to rachel." it's actually kind of nice and i hope that her honesty will continue through her teenage years.

yesterday, we had the following conversations with madeleine:

over dinner, while madeleine was giving randy the rundown on her day
madeleine: and then, bruce came and picked rachel up and i was crying a lot.
me: why were you crying?
madeleine: because i have lots of problems.

while madeleine and i were reading the scriptures, we came across a part where jesus was weeping out of joy.
madeleine: why is jesus crying?
me: because he was so happy. sometimes, when we are really happy, it makes us cry.
madeleine: yeah, but i wasn't happy today, i was MAD.

1 comment:

Diane said...

How can you keep a straight face in your house?