Monday, January 16, 2012

losing my mind

i always complain that i can't remember a thing while i am pregnant and that i become a complete airhead. i hate being an airhead. randy openly acknowledges that my IQ probably dips a few points when i am pregnant. sadly, i am pretty sure that i never fully recover from this decline.

concrete example:

we arrived at church yesterday and we were actually ten minutes early, but randy was playing the organ, so we were kind of running late. randy ran inside and i started to unload the girls when i looked down and realized that i had never changed out of my slippers and into my sunday shoes. in my defense, my slippers look like (really beat up) leather moccassins and have a full sole, so it's not like i walked out of the house with fuzzy bunnies on my feet.

i debated whether or not to go home and get my shoes, but i had already unloaded the girls and i hate getting them in and out of their car seats, especially when i am pregnant. plus, i probably would have been late by the time i went and changed them and came back. and, i spend half of church with a bunch of non-judgmental one and two year olds, so i decided to just go inside with my slippers on.

when i decided this, i didn't calculate in that we sit on the second row and i have a child that just learned to go to the bathroom. i had to dash in and out of the chapel several times and for some reason (once again, i blame it on pregnancy) decided that it would be better to kick off my slippers and run out barefoot each time rather than leave my slippers on.

such is the irrationality of my pregnant mind.


elnaclark said...

You have a high enough IQ that you can afford to lose a few points. That still leaves you at genius level. Think of pregnancy as just an "absent-minded professor" kind of time. I was imagining the bunnies - Would have been cute.

Diane said...

Jenner Manwaring used to wear her fuzzy slippers to church all the time and no one thought anything of it. Just develop some panache and everyone will think it's a new trend.