Tuesday, September 6, 2011

salt flats half marathon

last saturday, my sister, audrey, ran the salt flats half marathon. she has been training for it for a long time now and i am so proud of her. she just happens to live out in wendover and so it was the perfect place to run.

audrey was not a runner before training for this. she didn't like running. which makes it all the more impressive.

this was an awesome venue for a race, too. there weren't tons of people, so the kids could run around and we could see them no matter where they were. the salt flats are pretty amazing to be on.

i forgot my camera, so these are all from my mom.

when we got there (about half way through the race), it was still a little chilly, so we ended up grabbing madeleine's pajamas and making a makeshift coat for her. but after sitting in the sun for a while, it warmed up. the weather was perfect, with a breeze coming through the whole time and keeping the temperature right around 70 degrees.

we woke up at 6:00 to get to wendover and all of us were looking our best. diane and i were sporting pretty fancy hair, in particular.

have i mentioned how much these two love each other? they will randomly start hugging at any given time. i love it.

here she comes!

diane spent most of her time crawling all over these gates at the finish line. like i said, not too many people, so this wasn't a big deal.

this is jeanette perry, who is from our stake back in kirkland and happened to be running as well. fun to see a familiar face.

audrey and joseph

audrey and my mom

audrey, my mom, me

these three had a blast running around together. ring around the rosies was a favorite.

all falling down.

this was what the start/finish gate looked like. pretty fun, eh? thanks for running and giving us an excuse to come visit, audrey.

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