Saturday, July 23, 2011

canning season begins

my giant canning pot finally made an appearance this week. i realize that i'm a little behind schedule for strawberry jam, but i found some good looking strawberries and decided to go for it. i made strawberry freezer jam a couple weeks ago, but my freezer isn't as big as i would like and randy prefers canned jam, so i decided to make both kinds. 

i took my beautiful strawberries, 

hulled them, and then smashed them up with my potato masher. 

my adorable assistants.

they weren't sour, madeleine was just being goofy.

the finished product (can you see how bad our hard water is?).

i have to admit, i hate canning. it is a messy, long, hot process. but i love the fruits of my labors (get it?) for the rest of the year, so i will keep it up. planning on doing at least four dozen jars of marinara sauce once my sixteen tomato plants actually start producing fruit, at least the same amount of apples once allred's orchards start producing delicious apples, and some pears and peaches to go with those. oh, and don't forget the annual trip to pick raspberries and blackberries.

hopefully i can keep up with the harvest come end of august/september.

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