Friday, July 29, 2011

dance recital videos

here are the videos from the dance recital yesterday. hopefully they should work just fine. the first one is "limbo rock," and the second one is "you are my sunshine." this is probably the best i have ever seen madeleine perform either song, so good thing we caught it on film. madeleine is the second from the right in both videos.


 i can't believe how big she's getting. favorite parts of the second video are when she does the hand motion for spinning around that her teacher does instead of turning around at first. this has always been a problem in practice, but she doesn't usually spin at all. i love that it looks like she's just too tired to get her arms above her head for the very last, "please don't take my sunshine away." and the silly walk off the stage? priceless.


Lucy said...

That was darling! And the walk-off was awesome! She's spunky!

audrey said...

"What if that were walking?"

I LOVED it. Wish we could have been there!

jeanie said...

It's the sunshine generation all over again. That girl's got rhythm! Great job Madeleine!