Friday, May 20, 2011

nap time casualty

nap time is one of my many daily battles with madeleine lately. add it to the current chronicles of war (meals, going to bed, being obedient in general). there have been a few times in the past that i have thought that madeleine was giving up the nap, but this time i think it's really happening. most of the time she stays in her room for about half and hour, reading books, singing, and generally doing anything that she can to distract diane from falling asleep. she finally sneaks out of her room and comes out to the living room and i take her back to my room and make her finish out diane's nap with some quiet time on my bed. naps may be dead for her, but quiet time lives on until they start school. you'd think i'd just start her on my bed in the first place, but she insists that she wants to sleep in her bed and today will be different. it's not that i'm stupid, really, i know how it's going to go down.

like i said, many battles. daily.

plus, it kind of extends nap time in a good way for me as well. they entertain each other in the confines of their own room for an extra half hour before diane even falls asleep and occasionally, only occasionally, madeleine actually falls asleep, too. usually with an angelina ballerina book propped up in her hand.

1 comment:

Diane said...

They played like that for about an hour and half during nap time when I had them. Unfortunately I wasn't wise enough to move Madeleine, and neither of them slept that day.

I am a big fan of quiet time.