Friday, November 5, 2010

three little pumpkins

when we were little, my dad made us sing this song at every house that we trick-or-treated at. as embarrassing as it was at the time, i have lots of fun memories from it (fun halloween memories? gasp!). also, as my dad always tried to tell us, we probably did bring in way more candy because of how cute we were.

this year, i didn't think about the song until the day before halloween, but decided to try and teach it to madeleine anyways. after about three times, she had it down. i had her sing it for me on camera and the tune is a little off for this take, but she usually is spot on. it was fun to pass the tradition on to my own kid.


elnaclark said...

Adorable. We used to sing it at every house we trick or treated at also. And then, off we would race for home to sing it for the last time to dad - whose birthday it was. He always acted delighted.

Rebekah said...

yes, the tradition got passed on to us too. i thought about teaching it to our kids this year, but we ended up not going trick-or-treating.

my mom used to say if we were too old to sing a cute song at every door, we were too old to go trick-or-treating. i remember being pretty embarrassed the last couple years before turning 12 (when we were no longer allowed to go).

Diane said...

Awesome. I've got to show your dad.

jeanie said...

Oh, how I wish this little pumpkin had shown up at my door to trick or treat that night. I would have dumped the whole bucket of candy into hers!