Saturday, September 4, 2010

friday workday

my finished squares. hard to see the brown against the background (see picture below), but i like the light for the fabric better.

my mom and trish came down again yesterday for our second friday workday. beth and i had completed our homework and it was time to put some squares together.

finished work against a better background
i am really happy with how my squares are coming and fall more in love with my fabrics every time i pull them out and work with them. that's a good thing. trish and my mom are patient teachers and even better, were extremely helpful with a fussy diane while i was trying to get things done.

fence rail square
we started with our fence rail square. we had already sewn the strips together and learned how to measure and cut when dealing with multiple strips like this. then, we laid it out and sewed the square together.

log cabin
i love the log cabin square and have been itching to make an entire log cabin quilt. perhaps my next project... we cut our strips to length and then sewed the square together. we learned the log cabin trick from my mom. this is what we are paying the big bucks for.

nine patch
last, we sewed our nine patch squares. we aren't sewing them together yet, because we're not sure if they'll be together or separate in the quilt, but they are all ready to go.

if you made it to the end of this post, you must be a quilter.


audrey said...

First of all, they look fabulous. And very accurate. Good job!

Second of all, why hasn't Mom taught me the log cabin trick? I even have to make four log cabins for our block of the month class and she hasn't mentioned a thing! Maybe you're right, that is why you are paying her the big bucks. Maybe I should pay her more!

megan... said...

not a quilter...

Diane said...

I am a quilter, and so are you.

It's so fun! And the squares are all looking great. We're going to have to give more homework. You guys are fast.

Tod Robbins said...

Brilliant. I love the design.