Friday, July 3, 2009

we've still got it

i think that my favorite part of our trip to boise was boating on saturday. jeanie was VERY nice and took madeleine for several hours so that randy and i could go out on the lake with kyle and bob.

we all got a nice ski run in before the water started getting choppy and the lake got crowded. here's randy:

he's been looking forward to skiing for weeks now and looked like a pro out there.

i was a little worried when it was my turn because i haven't been skiing in two years, and even then, it was only one run up at mccall because i was studying for the bar and pregnant and had to sneak it past jeanie as it was. also, i am pretty out of shape. i got up on my first try though and i lasted longer than i thought i would. i loved every minute of it. the water was really refreshing and i felt great afterward, although i was kind of sore the next day.

(so i cheated and wore a wet suit, so what?)

it was a great day on the lake and brought back a lot of great memories of being out on the boat with my dad on lake cavanaugh. i have some really fond memories of 6:00 am ski runs that will always maintain their place as some of my favorite memories. there is something relaxing and carefree about being out on a boat that is hard to understand unless that has been part of your family culture. i am grateful that i married into a family that shares my love for the water.

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