Sunday, February 24, 2008

two months tomorrow

warning: new mom with a camera on the loose.

madeleine loves her changing table. i put her on it and she starts wiggling (as you can tell by the blurry pictures and flailing limbs) and smiling like it's the best place in the world. i think she likes to look at the ceiling fan in the room.

madeleine went for her first walk on saturday. it was really sunny and i wanted to get out, so i decided that i was going to take her out. then i realized that despite the sun, it was still pretty cold outside. so we bundled her up and went on a short family outing. i think she enjoyed it.

"mom, what are you doing?"

"get that camera out of my face!"

okay, i love this outfit and think that it is absolutely adorable, but every time that i put her in it, she does something like spit up all over it, or blow out her diaper, within two minutes of me putting it on. i took a couple pictures of her in it to preserve the moment, but sure enough, she wasn't in it for too long.

lounging in the boppy.

this is her suspicious look.

bath time!

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