Sunday, February 10, 2008

smiles and sleepovers

madeleine is almost 7 weeks old now. this last week she just started to be a lot more responsive to randy and me. she smiles and coos a little more, making her even cuter, if possible. she also had her first sleepover at grandma's this weekend. we were up there for a few family things, so we decided to stay over last night. i'm sure she had little idea of where she was. going through the pictures that i took this week, i realized that most of them are from when she's sleeping. maybe it's me trying to preserve those moments.


Joanne said...

She is just so cute! I can't believe all that hair. Elizabeth is still pretty bald. And she's one and a half.

Sine family said...

She is so adorable. They are so cute when they sleep and really any other time. Oh wow I think i need a baby. Oh wait i guess we will have one soon.