Saturday, December 29, 2007

more madeleine pictures

well, we wouldn't be good parents if we didn't insist on showing everyone pictures of our baby, so here are some more for your viewing pleasure.

randy already has madeleine on a strict music regime. the piano is still a little difficult for her, but she clearly has potential. we started her on mozart at the hospital and last night we had some jazz time. randy was teaching her how to swing. she is going to be a well rounded musician yet. she has already mastered the concept of the crescendo and demonstrated it in the form of a cry last night during some tummy-time.

seriously though, she does great with randy's piano playing, which is a relief. she can sleep while he plays, even when she was on the floor right next to him. this will be nice, seeing as randy's practice schedule would be severely limited if we had to wait for her to be awake.

so far (knock on wood), madeleine has been a great sleeper, too. we have kept her up from about 6:30-9:30 in the evenings and the last two nights, she has slept for five hours straight, been up to eat and look around for a couple hours, and then back to bed for at least three more hours. we are very grateful and haven't been completely exhausted during the day. i realize this could all change in an instant and at her whim...

this is her wild mass of hair from the back. it just kind of does it's own thing .

overall, we think she is perfect.

1 comment:

beth said...

she looks like her grandma peck in some of these pictures.