Thursday, December 13, 2007

i'm it?

apparently i've been "tagged" and am supposed to post five things about myself on my blog. i have to admit (no offense to nicole) that i feel like i'm suddenly involved in some chain letter type of activity. however, i enjoy reading other people's posts when they've been tagged and i wasn't warned that some child in china would die if i didn't keep the chain going, so i suppose that i will continue on.

1. we have alice in wonderland doorknobs in our house. sometimes i imagine them talking to me.

2. i've been to the police academy and i am a certified special functions officer. we're not just talking went on a tour of the police academy and got some cheesy certificate and a sticker. i attended for six weeks, met some "rigorous" requirements, and was sworn in with an oath ceremony as an officer. all of this was against my will.

3. my favorite movie is the sound of music. i really do get this exhilarating feeling every time the helicopter shot swoops down on julie andrews belting out "the hills are alive." they don't make 'em like they used to.

4. i know how to survive in the wilderness and it's all thanks to bear grylls. randy and i have a limited number of channels, but fortunately, one of them is the discovery channel. if we ever flip on the tv and man vs. wild is on, we can't help but watch. it is truly fascinating. the things this man does... if i ever find myself in the sahara desert with a dead camel, i know how to get food, drink, and shelter from the carcass. i'm prepared for anything.

5. one of the things that i miss most since becoming pregnant is sushi. my brother has already been commissioned to go get sushi as soon as i give birth and report directly to the hospital. this cannot happen soon enough.


Nicole S said...

LOVED the tidbits about yourself!! I had no idea you were an officer. I'm taking you with me if I ever go to the Sahara! Still waiting for those prego pictures.... :)

Nicole S said...

Oh, and I didn't tell you that Microsoft will donate $50 to every person you send this tag to?? Hehe.