Monday, April 21, 2014

march in pictures

and on to march...

our biggest news for the month (the year!) was that we got a new piano. randy has been waiting a long time for a grand piano and we finally got one. seeing this truck pull up was way better than the wells fargo wagon.

isn't it beautiful? i'm still a little surprised each time i see it.

so new he got to peel off the plastic:

it arrived while his students were here and then he had to go straight to the church after lessons for young men's, so he was pretty excited to sit down and play it.

jonathan starting going to the nursery at church last october, but he has never been too keen on it. in march, they gave me this picture that they had of him and told me that i could have it because they had replaced it with a better one, meaning that his eyes were slightly less red, but otherwise he preetty much looked just as miserable. isn't it sad?

these next ones are from a day when jonathan woke up too early from naps and i was trying to keep him entertained until the girls got up. taking pictures with my phone is always a big hit. there are lots of them, feel free to zoom through.

jonathan loves his puzzles.

we had our annual sisters weekend last month. i got to attend without any kids, which was kind of heavenly. i needed the break. katherine (audrey's daughter) was our only baby this year and she was very easy to have around (although audrey may disagree). we also had carolyn, my brother, ray's, wife, join us for the first time this year (they got married in january). she fit right in and it was so fun to feel like we're finally complete at our sisters weekend. we played games, watched movies, and just generally sat around talking a lot. it was a great weekend.

we always exchange gifts. here's the loot from this year:

my sister, beth, and me.

katherine and me.

spring is always so beautiful in the northwest. this is a tree that is right next to our mailbox. it is only in bloom for a couple weeks, but i absolutely adore it.

coloring on tip-toe.

diane not only falls asleep in strange postitions, but she often strips down some time in the middle of the night.

he was pretty proud of this little nest he built for himself.

1 comment:

Ryan and Erin said...

The fishy/kissy face of you and Jonathan is ridiculously darling.