Wednesday, February 6, 2013

fat lip

warning: there are four pictures in this post. the last two are not for the faint of heart.

on monday around noon, i was in the bathroom getting ready for the day (yes, that's right, it was noon). the girls were laughing in their room, when suddenly, i heard a thud and both girls burst into tears. they were the kind of cries you hate to hear - serious injury cries. i ran into their room and found diane clutching her head and madeleine clutching her mouth, with large pools of blood starting to form in her hand.

these are the days that i am glad that i have a husband that works from home. these are probably the days that randy wishes he had a nice, quiet office.

i don't do well with blood, so i threw a washcloth at madeleine, grabbed jonathan, and ran across the house (which takes a surprisingly long time in our house) to get randy. i told him that madeleine and diane had run into each other and madeleine was bleeding profusely from her mouth.

i was really hoping that she had just bit her tongue or lip and it wasn't anything that big. mouth injuries bleed a lot and often look worse once the blood mixes with saliva. unfortunately, madeleine's was a little worse than i had hoped. her front two teeth got shoved back and upward in her mouth, and she has a big chunk of skin gone from the inside of her lip.

after we calmed the girls down, we found out that madeleine had been jumping off the bed as diane ran past and madeleine had basically landed, with her mouth open, on diane's head. while we were tending to madeleine, diane was lying on the bed and kept saying, "it happened to me, too!" after inspecting her head, we decided that her primary problem was that she wanted as much attention as madeleine was getting.

we called our dentist (randy's dad), who happened to be on vacation for his continuing dental education, and after some back and forth, with randy trying to get pictures without sending madeleine back into hysteria, he told us that she should be okay and told us what to watch for as things heal. it's really nice to have a dentist in the family.

i rocked madeleine and sang to her for a while to get her calmed down and she spent the rest of the day watching as much tv as she wanted to. she's actually been great about the whole thing, although she's had a couple breakdowns about the fact that she can't eat what she wants to (she'll be eating soft foods for a couple more days). i think the whole thing has been more traumatizing for randy and me than it has been for madeleine.

i took these pictures the next day and madeleine was very obliging. hopefully things heal quickly.

pictures of the inside of her mouth:


R said...

One of my worst fears as a parent is what you just had to deal with. So terrible. I'm glad it all is okay. I was seriously just thinking the other day. What do I do if my child knocks out a tooth?

Diane said...

I am so thankful that with all the travel your dad went on, there were no real accidents when he was gone. He is definitely the blood and guts and make rational decisions person in our relationship. I'm the run around like a chicken with my head cut off and tell him Debby fell off the roof and cut her hand person.

Diane said...

Oh. Please tell Madeleine I'm so sorry she's hurt. And Diane that I hope she feels better. And thank heavens for Bob.

ak83 said...

Poor little Diane! :) (and Madeline) but i identify with Diane, because when my sister and i ran into eachother in the hall way and Ali's front tooth was knocked all the way out by my really hard forehead, i totally got left in the dust while Ali was tended to. haha I hope Madelines little mouth feels better soon!

debby said...

R - apparently, not much. we're just going to watch it to make sure nothing gets infected.

mom - i'm amazed that none of us got more hurt with dad gone than we did.

amanda - i was too mad at both of the girls for horsing around and getting hurt to feel much sympathy for diane. i was at least outwardly sympathetic.