Sunday, June 26, 2011

sun hat for madeleine

madeleine needed a sun hat for this summer, but after looking for a while, i didn't see any that i really liked. so, i decided to make one. i bought the fabric for it a while ago and have been sitting on it, waiting for time to sew. 

since time to sew didn't fall into my lap and i wanted her to have it this weekend, i had to make time late one night last week. i am really happy with how it turned out. more importantly, madeleine loves it and wears it all the time. which was really nice while we were camping. i wish that diane would have been as compliant with her hat.

we were walking out of swim lessons on thursday and i heard a woman say, "look at that cute girl. i love her hat." i swelled up with pride and barely restrained myself from saying, "i made that!" (i suppose that could refer to the cute girl or the hat).

speaking of swim lessons, here are a few pictures from her latest round of swim lessons, now in an outdoor pool:

see that beached whale on the side?

floating like a pro.


Diane said...

You put me to shame. I don't think I could make a hat like that. It must be Jeanie's great influence in your life. It is SO cute!

I just eat these pictures right up!

Erin Leigh said...

so cute!! seriously. you make good things (babies and hats).